[bambii] I have PMS & i'm NOT afraid 2 use it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

* Moodyblu9 takes another 'duh' pill

[RoSeBuD`] where the hell am I when these quotes get added!!!

* TimePilot words of wisdom .... If at first you don't succeed, fail  :)

[VixenInBl] ok vamp lol you think im here for your amusement? no wait, dont answer that

[mjs] i love the weinie man, he owns a weinie stand, he'll sell you anything from weinies on down. I long to be his wife, eat weinies all my life, hey boy i love that weinie man

[Possess] vamp????? did I read that correctly????? horny??
[inquirer] You didn't read that right Dani.

* bambii is tryin 2 beat a fly 2 death, but it dun' wanna die

[tabitha] i said that when i thought lilmonkey was a real person
[Moparman] I've tried talking to him too
[RedRum] lil monkey isnt real?

[LisaErin^] square do you read the q's or do your fingers?

* Seraphim is afraid of children
[Seraphim] they multiply

* marconi shouldve remembered that bein a saint and all  :)

[Kaeliana] dearly beloved we are gathered here today to celebrate the life of .. erm .. dani, what kinda bug was it?

[^GrnEyez^] ok square now you can answer I've read the ?

[Rinoa] mom tells everyone to stop playing so i can get a point

* rockie1 gets some glasses but notices that morrigan is chugging from the bottle ....
* Morrigan hiccups and burps

[MiraMax] ok I'm almost drunk .... forgive anything stupid I mite say  ;)

[MAVERICK] gonna go to the store and grab me some testicles ooops i mean avacados
[FalseBrav] where's that store, mav? I want to make sure I'm NOT there when you go

[FalseBrav] let's discuss menstruation - such a fascinating topic

[RedRum] wow tabby youre learning
[tabitha] took me a couple years .... i'm slow .... but i eventually get it

[Kangaroo] that was trivia at its most trivial

[tabitha] it's like square wins 10 and then mach wins 10 .... they give each other little breathers

[vamp2] is it a full moon tonight? all the weirdos are out

On adding a quote :
[vamp2] u beat me to it  :)
[bambii] OMG! That's a 1st

* ry_ron reads war and peace while waiting for her ping time

* ^Brianna^ takes a number and waits on the couch ..... this is gonna be a long night

[bambii] ok, I admit it!!!! my brain was repossessed 4 lack of use! there r u HAPPY NOW !?!??!?!?!?!

[bambii] Happy Nude Deer Morrigan !!!!!!!!!!!!
[Morrigan] Nude deer ...... *covers eyes and shudders*

[bambii] OMG ur makin SUCH a perv of me!

*** Joins: Outpost (-) # Appears as XENO
[bambii] #Appears as GET MIRC

[sarah|] vodka really helps yah play trivia  :)

[Kangaroo] my hands are sooo cold, i need a heated keyboard

* josh55 typo's his way right outta that one

[dragonryd] yeah, i know winnie the pooh

[cloudy`] hey LilMonkey!!  :oP~~~~~~~~~~~~~

* Possess throws monopoly money @ knight
[Possess] Im not rich like bambs, I have to use fake money

[Possess] I could almost put a collar on it and take it for a walk
[marconi] *perk* collar?

[RoSeBud`] damn i didn't notice vamp (queen of the quotes) was here

[ry_ron] superman dallies??? omg
[RedRum] hence the name Man of steel

* cloudy` shakes her pompoms .............. gimme an R O L A N D!
* ^Brianna^ looks at cloudy .... what have you been drinkin?

* bambii lives in the valley girl state
[bambii] like, OH My GOD!

[LilMonkey] What does it say on a car's country-sticker from Indonesia ?
[machineac] my kid can beat your kid at table tennis
[machineac] this is a no cat eating household
[machineac] if this rickshaw is rockin dont bother knockin

[LilMonkey] According to Cosmopolitan magazine, what percentage of respondents have ever told a guy, "I'm not wearing any underwear right now" ?
[RedRum] wow .... I need 100% of those womens phone #s
[inquirer] they lied anyway

[bambii] that's not fair! I was still typin!

[RedRum] what goes clip clop clip clop bang bang clip clop clip clop
[RedRum] amish drive by

[inquirer] Ah bambii why'd kick Redrum
[RedRum] i was kicked for over due library books

[Trixie] where are you actually from gio?
[Giobaby] Tulip Country
[Trixie] denmark?

* marconi invites the doe over to get as drunk as she was yesterday  :)~
* bambii was NOT drunk, just drastically unsober

[Seraphim] Would anyone like to adopt two gkids
[rowdy1] Noooooooooooooo

[Seraphim] blasted blasted kids
[Seraphim] I can't pay attention for them
[rowdy1] give em a greased pig to chase Seraphim

[TVC-15] oh hey ..... where IS time pilot these days???
[Seraphim] he was here the other day
[Bakinn] at your house?

[Blue-Eyed] u know i would settle for any spot at this rate

* Seraphim eyes the books she has to use to addquestions with
[Morrigan] I guess none of those books were the TV Guide then Sera?

* Peeps99 is off .... gotta do the dishes ....
[mjs] that's a sorry and sad reason to have to go

* Blue-Eyed was thinking something else
[Blue-Eyed] maybe i should try not thinkin at all
[Seraphim] I work the best that way

[Morrigan] Is there acutally a question between all the quotes??
[mjs] barely , morrigan

[Jacinto] Looks like a good time for me to leave too. I have my one point for the month  :)

[RedRum] she has 3 kids ..... one of each

* Miztaz clobbers cloudy as he goes by her
[cloudy`] i'm a he??
[cloudy`] won't my boyfriend be surprised!

[LilMonkey] Who was the captain of the "Mayflower" ?
[inquirer] my great great great grandfather
[Bakinn] really inq?

* rowdy1 whacks epiphany with a pizza
[epiphany] does it have pineapple, rowdy?

* rowdy1 thinks cloudy` is quacked
[cloudy`] i'm quackers for you rowdy!
[Roland_De] cloudy loves rowdy and when they have kids they'll be crowdy

[airmo] ahhh scrollage  :P

[GrEg1234] alyssa the trick is to stay here until you are alone .... thats how i got my points !!

[Jacinto] I guess I shouldn't be jealous .... I got two in one day

[Bakinn] omg, I answered a chemistry question!!!!

[Kimmmie] rowdy your are public feef #1
* rowdy1 looks at the reward poster on his wall

[Bakinn] oops -- gotta go -- food's here
[Bakinn] you guys must think I never cook lol

[cloudy`] i love looking at clouds
[cloudy`] which explains why i'm an airhead lol

[RedRum] wd rose nice
[RoSeBuD`] not bad for someone with a hang-over

[Morrigan] marc scares the sheit out of everyone
[marconi] LOL who ME?? (looking VERY angelic)

* inquirer gotta leave soon. Ice skating on.
[epiphany] i like to watch em fall. does that make me a bad person?

[epiphany] did i win any while i was gone?

[qaz] thanx nerdo  ;)
[zaq] thats mr. nerdo to u

[zaq] for only 3 choices, that took us long to get

[Blue-Eyed] not bad for a drunk
[Morrigan] so you wanna change your nick then Blue to Bleary_Eyed?
[Roland_De] or beery-eyed

[ry_ron] hey rockie?
[ry_ron] can you slow my screen down for me please?
* rockie1 ties ryron on with a chain and anchor .....

* Blue-Eyed has been out drinking and now im gonna try my mind at triva lol
[Morrigan] you're in the right frame of mind then BE

[sarah|] yah boss leave marc?
[Morrigan] either that sarah, or he's had enough pretending to work

[bambii] MONKS
[bambii] u BRAT!
[LBKFL] I sense some animosity from bambii towards small furry creatures ........

[Tim88] you are soooo mean to me epiphany
[Tim88] *Lå Lå Lå* I can't hear you epiphany!!! *Lå Lå Lå*
[epiphany] WELLLLL, MEBBE I SHOULD SPEAK LOUDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Blue-Eyed] now welcome to the Seraphim show .....
[Blue-Eyed] somebody stop her .... lol
[mjs] you can't stop her .... i think she is a force of nature or something

[ry_ron] slow down you guys I can't read all the chatting!
[ry_ron] dang triv q's getting in my way

[Moparman] can we go back to talking bout wedgies???
[RoSeBuD`] i missed a wedgie conversation?????

[bambii] my kid said that polecat sounds like sum kinna freaky stripper

*** Quits: OzMan (-) (I come from a lag down under .. with servers slow and ISP's plunder ..)

[Roland_De] you guys all suck .... i am never coming here again!!!!!!!!
* Roland_De is just kidding of course  [G]
[Morrigan] if we make that a quote ....... when it comes up and you are in the channel Rol, that'll mean you are a BALD FACE LIAR BUTT
[Roland_De] lololol

[epiphany] !wubs epiphay
[marconi] wubs?
[Roland_De] wubs?
[ClmtyJane] that wubs me the wrong way
[Roland_De] you wubs us?
* rowdy1 wubs epiphany
[epiphany] i wub u all
[Roland_De] marc just wants you to wub his body ah wover

On Kylie Minogue :
[Roland_De] i can't beleive how many questions she is the answer for

[Roland_De] lol .... did a 3rd grader make that ?
[Morrigan] why Rol? was it too hard for you?
[rowdy1] LOLOL Morrigan

[marconi] I like it best when the cops ask them if there are any drugs or weapons in the car and they say "not that I know of" ROFL

[LBKFL] they had to cancel the leprosy hockey game, there was a face off in the corner ........

[lesley1] ya shouldnt take advantage of someone who cant spell

[Morrigan] that sounds like some kind of hair removal system .... epIZaway

* bambii has been waitin 4 U Vampie
[bambii] but ur 2 l8, all my good quotes r used up now  :(

[Pawsitive] Dani has lotsa friends ..... :o)
[Blue-Eyed] she thinks she does anyway

[Morrigan] those wacky US laws again!!!

[saucey] he who tells saucey all the correct answers is a friend for life

* Blue-Eyed has possessaphobia

* Miztaz watches the biting going on
[vamp2] what biting??
[bambii] I didn' do it!!

[ry_ron] hang on trixie
* ry_ron plugs her ears .... k go a'head

[Netts] can someone explain the question???
[MAVERICK] lol i was just thinking that same thing nets

* rockie1 sends blue some ground chuck
[Blue-Eyed] I prefer it unground .... i love it nice and firm

* PinkBunny sings, "Who let the dogs out?"
[Blue-Eyed] wooffffffffff, wooofffff, wooofffffff ....

[Cowgirl] moosehound, a mixture of the two animals
[Blue-Eyed] Cowgirl u are sick

[ebe101] i dont drive cos of my eyes
[bronwen] i usually have my eyes closed when i drive

[Moparman] I gave up chasing ponits
[Moparman] cause I cant spell  :)

[Seraphim] please, please, please, someone take the kids for a while
* Seraphim is searching for her xanax right now

* Miztaz thinks it is a good thingf she is going to school to learn how to spell

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